Intel core i5 2450m processor
Intel core i5 2450m processor

intel core i5 2450m processor

Power consumption of the whole SoC (System on a Chip) is 35 watts with a maximum operating temperature of 100C. It operates at a base frequency of 650MHz, while Turbo Boost can increase that to 1300MHz. It is based on the Sandy Bridge architecture and offers Hyperthreading to handle 4 threads at. The Core i5-2450M has been developed using a 32nm process, allowing for the integration of the Intel HD Graphics 3000 controller. The Intel Core i5-2450M is a fast dual core processor that first appeared in Dell laptops in 11/2011. the results (note that I ran these tests on an Intel Core i5 2450M Processor 2.5GHz processor with 4 GB DIMM): Elapsed time for the bubble sort on 100. The chip is equipped with 128KB of first level cache, 512KB of second level cache, and 3MB of third level cache. The frequency goes up to 3.1GHz for only one core. If a higher frequency is needed, its two cores can overclock, and if they both operate in tandem, they go to 2.8GHz. It is part of the “Sandy Bridge” generation and operates at a base frequency of 2.5GHz. Intel Core i5-2450M is a high mid-range processor announced in Q1 of 2012.

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  • intel core i5 2450m processor intel core i5 2450m processor

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  • Intel core i5 2450m processor